‘Seed Hunter’ reaps success

又是一篇讲种质资源科学家的新闻文章,一个来自ICARDA的搞大麦资源的科学家叫Dr Ken Street的故事。呵呵,来自http://www.queenslandcountrylife.com/,原文链接地址http://sl.farmonline.com.au/news/nationalrural/grains-and-cropping/general/seed-hunter-reaps-success/1628938.aspx?storypage=0



‘Seed Hunter’ reaps success

THE ‘Seed Hunter’ of recent television fame gave an international audience at last week’s 14th Barley Technical Symposium an insight into his work which continues to attract worldwide interest.Dr Ken Street, who works for the International Centre for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), based in Aleppo, Syria, was in top form, promising delegates that he was not going to “blow your heads away with high-browed science” when talking about his work.

It’s topical because it neatly dovetails with the on-going climate change debate, requiring existing commercial crops be scrutinised to see whether more resistance can be bred into them by accessing ancient crop varieties which still exist in some of the remotest parts of the world.

The idea is to seek out as many variations as possible in the hope that key traits like a plant’s ability to thrive in harsh temperatures using less water, for instance, can be bred from the genes stored in seed banks around the world.

The Seed Hunter’s work is taking place against a backdrop of exploding global populations, widespread loss of arable farmland, requiring researchers like Dr Street to look further afield in his bid to seek out “novel genes” able to deliver genetic improvements.

Much of his efforts are being directed towards encouraging the plant-breeding community to make greater utilisation of gene banks which mostly will release their material free of charge, although it is more difficult to obtain germplasm from countries like China and Brazil, for example.

Nevertheless, Dr Street remains undaunted, conceding there is duplication – probably in the order of 35 percent when it come to barley – within seed banks around the world.

“Getting what you want out of a gene bank is a little bit like looking for the proverbial needle…so the question becomes, how can we rationalise the search, or the trait we are looking for?” he said.

The point being made here is that it really has been “a matter of luck” when a plant breeder makes a specific request of a gene bank.

“What is needed is a repeatable and rational method to improve that flow of useful genes into the wider community,” Dr Street said.

Increasingly, he is focusing his attention on an approach known as FIGS (Focused Identification of Germplasm Strategy).

It’s all about assessing the environmental influences acting on plant populations, tracking their genetic variations in the quest for sought-after traits which might range from seed quality to dormancy issues, to name but a few.

Today, increasing emphasis is being placed on geo-referencing each collection site so all the related agri-climatic factors can be minutely detailed – to see how temperature, for instance, may have influenced the well-being of plants in some far away paddock.

Journeying to countries like Tajikistan, Dr Street said he came across a rare wheat strain being curated by a family in an extremely remote district.

“They were very poor and probably will never see the benefit of those genes but they were happy to give them across – and gave us a nice meal as well,” he said.

And the discovery of a boron-tolerant wheat gene in South Australia is another example of the value of seed banks, according to Dr Street.

Meanwhile, FIGS also has been deployed across north Africa and central Asia, scoring a successful outcome in finding a strain of wheat that is resistant to Sunn Pest, described as “a nasty little bug” that kills juvenile cereal plants, also destroying grain quality.

Dr Street urged plant breeders globally to forge closer links with ICARDA.

“We will work with you to help you craft a set of materials that you won’t have to screen more than you should,” he said.

Buoyed by the current progress of FIGS, Dr Street accepts there is still room to improve its methodology.

“But the more we use it, the better we will we get,” he said.

Preserving the Past to Protect Our Future

刚在博客右下角的google RSS看到的一篇科普新闻文章,ARS信息部门的头头写的他们的一个科学家在厄瓜多尔做的资源保护工作。个人觉得其标题取得不错,“保存过去以保护未来”,就像原来《走进科学》当年给我们做一期节目《寻找失落的基因-中国国家种质库》(详见./oldblog/article.asp?id=138)一个意思,呵呵。有时英文比中文更好表达意思,像这个标题,我就想了很久,也没能想出一个完美的中文村题。


中国主要农作物种质资源地理分布(the Atlas of Chinese main crops germplasm resources)




作者为SANDY MILLER HAYS, Agricultural Research Service


Preserving the Past to Protect Our Future

By SANDY MILLER HAYS, Agricultural Research Service
Agricultural research isn’t all “sows, cows and plows,” with a few microscopes and DNA sequencers thrown in. Just ask Karen Williams.
She’s a botanist in the Plant Exchange Office of the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) National Germplasm Resources Laboratory in Beltsville, Md., right outside of Washington, D.C. But when Dr. Williams wants to get out town, she’s not thinking about Philadelphia or New York. Her “getaway” is the town of Cotacachi, Ecuador, in the heart of what some consider one of the cradles of world agriculture.
That’s where Dr. Williams works with an international team of scientists to help conserve traditional crops and, at the same time, contribute to the livelihoods of the local people.//说是说替人保护资源,造福当地人,然后呢。。。看下面

In the communities around Cotacachi, tucked away in the northern Andean highlands of Ecuador, people have farmed for thousands of years. The crops they grow are both familiar and not familiar — yes, there’s corn, but there are 30 varieties of it. Beans? The Quichua-speaking farmers and backyard gardeners have 40 varieties.  //丰富的资源啊,看上的是这些东西
These native crops can be an untapped treasure trove for scientists seeking solutions to modern American agriculture’s problems. Often, an ancient version of a crop contains genes that can help a modern version of that same crop in the United States overcome a pest or disease. It’s just a matter of tapping into those long-ago genetics and incorporating the needed genes into a plant breeding program that melds old with new. //利用这些古老资源所蕴含的丰富基因解决美国现代农业生产中的重要问题,这才是真正目的
But in Cotacachi, these ancient crops are more than just a genetic resource; they’re a way of life and the basis of food security. Yet, as has happened in many rural areas, including in the United States, life is changing in Cotacachi. Many families now rely on income from off the family farm, and the men often work away from those farms.
This is where Dr. Williams comes in. She’s been going to Ecuador since 1995, when she first went there to help reestablish Ecuador’s national peanut germplasm collection, fill gaps in the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) peanut germplasm collection, and strengthen U.S.-Ecuadorian collaborations in genetic resources.
But her mission has expanded beyond that in the ensuing years. In partnership with an indigenous community organization called the Union of Indigenous and Peasant Communities (UNORCAC); Bioversity International, and the Ecuadorian National Agricultural Research Institute (INIAP) — the equivalent of ARS in Ecuador — she’s helped set up and now advises a program designed to promote conservation and increase use of local crops in the area. This program is funded in large part by USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service.
What’s been accomplished? Scientists have preserved samples of the area’s genetic treasure trove in the National Germplasm Bank at the INIAP Santa Catalina Experiment Station near Quito. Farmers worked with the scientists to evaluate the local varieties of crops in a community garden in Cotacachi, and a catalogue was produced to document the vastness of the diversity. Seed fairs give farmers the chance to display and exchange crop varieties.
A food processing plant has been built to develop and package salsas, marmalades and other products made from the local crops. There’s a community-run ethnobotanical garden that provides local midwives with medicinal plants, helps educate local schoolchildren about their cultural heritage, and generates income from visitors coming to see the diversity of local Andean plants.  //为当地农业经济作贡献
The project has financed construction of rustic rural lodges owned by local families who offer lodging to those visitors. Visitors can learn about traditional crops and farm practices as the families prepare meals made with the yields of their dooryard gardens. The much-needed income that comes from the visitors helps encourage continuing conservation of the traditional crops. //类似于“农家乐”的经营项目
Local women have formed cooperatives that use the crops to make a variety of items offered for sale to tourists: handcrafted necklaces made from native variegated lima beans called “tortas,” for example, and traditional sandals and decorative weavings from the fiber of the cabuyo plant, a relative of agave.
All this activity helps ensure the continuation of those ancient crops, so important to the people of Cotacachi, and to the continued success of the crops that we count on to feed ourselves in this country. And it’s definitely not “just another day in the lab” for Dr. Karen Williams!


想写一篇各国作物种质资源信息系统发展情况的综述,看看大家都是什么水平、有什么货、货色怎么样,然后做一些横向的比较,以决定我们的以后怎么改进,于是就先上了美国的GRIN(Germplasm Resources Information Network),看到了他们的一篇论文,GRIN-Global: An International Project to Develop a Global Plant Genebank and Information Management System,才了解到现在他们有GRIN-Global这样一个项目。

GRIN-Global简称G-G,是USDA-ARS、Global Crop Diversity TrustBioversity International三家合作开发并计划全球部署的新一代开放源码的免费种质资源信息系统,采用Visual Studio 2008 Express开发,.net 3.5框架,数据库用Sql Server 2008 Express、Oracle Express或是Mysql/PostgreQL,还真是全免费了,哈哈,符合为发展中国家而设计的初衷。系统采用三层结构设计,数据层、业务层和表现层,使用Web Services实现表现层与业务层之间的松散耦合。系统可脱机运行也可联机运行,有中央数据库,本地数据库与中央数据库之间可以进行数据交换。因此,系统开发分成管理员工具和共享网站两部分,管理员工具可以实现脱机和联机对数据的操作。根据他们的时间表,整个系统将于明年年底前开发测试完毕并交付使用。资金上,总共是$2.3百万,TRUST好像给了$1.4百万,其余$90万就不知道是谁家给的了。

这个项目的设计与我对新CGRIS 的设计想法是基本一致的,我的设想是,建立一个全国范围内统一的作物种质资源信息系统,采用统一的标准和软件体系,标准我们已经制定了,系统在理论上是可以通过行政指令方式全国推行的,国家理应要对资源进行统一管理。系统采用基于Web Services的集中与分布式相结合的架构,有一个中央数据库,就设在我们这里,客户端有web和PC程序,共性的信息或全部信息汇交到中央数据库,客户端依据授权下载部分或全部数据。这是信息共享部分,而种质库管理部分,G-G似乎只有分发功能,我希望能囊括种质收集、引种、整理、鉴定、评价、保存、分发和利用的整个工作流程,全面实现种质资源工作的信息化。这个体系应该是十分的庞大了,因为我只是处于概念设计阶段,而没进入实质设计,困难可能比我想像的要大得多,这一点随后得到了印证。




下午我联系了一下Bioversity International东亚办公室的张宗文老师,他跟我说了一些情况,说7月份在泰国开过一个会,我猛的想起来老板跟我说过泰国有会,但他没说是跟这个有关啊,要不我就去了,呵呵。



















